How to Be a Saint
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It is a good thing to realize that in order to be saints, we have only to be what God made us to be, and to do what God made us to do. If we are clever, then to be clever; if we are not clever, then not to be clever; if we are successful, then to be successful; if not successful, then not to succeed; if in good health, then to be healthy; if sickly, then to be sickly; and so on. Perfect simplicity with regard to ourselves; perfect contentment with everything that comes our way; perfect peace of mind in utter self-forgetfulness.
This becomes easier the more we realize the utter greatness and goodness and all-ness of God. Then we realize our own insignificance, our utter worthlessness and nothingness, a mere squeak of a mouse in the infinity of God. If we see the whole, we shall easily despise the trifles; if we lose ourselves in God, how puny the rest appears!
This is the cure for making too much of little things whether they go right, or whether they go wrong, which is the cause of our loss of peace of mind. This is the real test of sanctity, that simplicity of trust in God, which is the perfection of human nature. In the end, when life is done and all is over, such a soul is found more precious than one which has shone in many deeds.
Therefore, you must:
First, make a great deal of God, forgetting as far as possible everything else in His presence.
Secondly, make nothing at all of yourself, whether you are clever or whether you are not, whether you succeed or not, whether you get what you desire or do not.
In the midst of all, you can rejoice --
- that you are what He made you.
- that those things happen to you which He wants to happen.
- that if all the world were to collapse and the very heavens were to fall, there would still be the great, living, loving God.
So, if you want to be a saint:
Pray like this and you shall lay that foundation on which sanctity is built.
Live like this and sanctity will build itself.
Die like this and you shall be numbered among the "good and faithful servants."
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